Your beliefs don't make you a better person, your actions do.
Manifesto for a Simple Life
Bukowski - Why We're Here
The Storm Will Pass
Carlin - It's not about possessions.
Don't let tomorrow use up too much of today.
Step back
Nothing is Impossible
Routine is Lethal
Earth Eh
All Geniuses
Have a Day
Their Lyrics
Fisher - Do it anyway
Poetry Is
Faith in Humanity
Gibran - Earth delights
I am
Whedon - Why I Write
Kay - Taste of Air
Live Simply
Books Like a Whetstone
Laurie - Don't Wait
Smart People
Poe - Dream
Bright Side
Rumi - Life on Fire
Seuss - Great Places
Shaw - Change Minds
Shaw - Create Yourself
Weather the Storm
Surround yourself with dreamers
Think more, Talk less
Tolkien - Have to Decide
Tomorrow is...
Life After Death
Twain - Explore, Dream, Discover
Wilde - Value
Vonnegut - Do it.
Imagination is a weapon
Blessed are the weird
Just one second...
Wilde - Their Song
Worrying takes tomorrow's peace